At the same time, it shows that matrix addition is used to arrange magic square. 同时,利用矩阵加法构造幻方的方法,并且对它们进行程序设计,付诸实践。
Our city is a magic square full of love; There are love and friendship in person. 我们的城市是个爱的魔方,充满了爱与友谊。
The computer becomes a powerful tool to research the magic square because of its high development now. 现代计算机的高速发展,成了幻方研究的有力工具。
In order to get algorithms to solve the unfinished magic square with low rank, one usually apply the algorithms of r-combinatorial algorithm to get the results of row/ column combination. 在低阶缺陷幻方复原问题的研究中,常用r-组合算法求解行、列等相应组合。
This photograph of the same Magic Square was taken by Gordon Brindle whilst on holiday in Barcelona to celebrate his wife's birthday. 为了庆祝他的妻子生日,在一个假日,他-戈登斑在巴塞罗那照了这相同的幻方的照片。
He imposed conditions on the value of his number variables to bring about the creation of his magic square. 他附加条件,就对自己的价值有多少变数带来的创作他的幻方。
Designing idea: Our city is a colorful magic square, The sky is blue, The grass is green, The flowers are red, The birds are white. 设计构思:我们的城市是个五彩的魔方,天是蓝色、是绿色、是红色、是白色。
It is about magic square. 是关于幻方的内容。
A proportion-amplified method to structure the even magic square is given and the method is not only able to obtain one magic square. 给出了一种构造偶数阶幻方的方法-比例放大法,在证明此方法的同时说明了其构造的幻方不唯一。
People started to do some mathematical analysis on the structure and the character of magic square from seventeen century. 从十七世纪开始,人们对幻方的构造与性质展开比较严肃的数学思考。
Magic square net is website of home's famous online video. 魔方网是国内著名的一家在线视频网站。
A Structure Method of Magic Square 幻方构造方法
Three original formulas about complex magic square are proposed. 提出复合幻方的3个基本公式。
The order 3 magic square appeared in ancient China is the oldest instance for combinatorial design. 出现于中国的3阶幻方是组合设计的最早特例,在印度、阿拉伯等国家对幻方也有较早的研究。
Magic square amateurs in our country have actively fore, thus pushing the study of magic squares forward greatly. 我国幻方爱好者积极开展平方幻方构造探索,涌现出了一大批著名专家,把幻方研究向前大大地推进了。
A Method for Constructing Magic Square with Even Order 偶数阶幻方的一种构造方法
The formula construction method for complex magic square and its structure analysis 复合幻方的公式构造法与结构分析
In this paper a simple method tor establishing the magic square matrix and orthogonal table of singular N order is proposed. The application of proposed method is discussed. 本文提出了构成N阶魔方方阵的简易方法,介绍了本文方法&整体平移法的实质及奇N阶正交表的建立,讨论了本文方法的实际应用的前景。
Study on Magic Square Matrix Set-Up Method 奇N阶魔方方阵的构成方法研究
This paper presents a united theory of constructing a magic square and a set of efficient symbolic system. 本文给出一个构造幻方的统一(但并非包罗一切的)理论和一整套有效的符号体系。
A method of constructing magic square and mutually orthogonal Latin square of order 4t is discovered firstly. 一种4t阶幻方及正交拉丁方的构造方法被首次发现。
New concept of magic squares was proposed in this paper, Latin magic square vector space, as magic square algebra, can be obtained from every Latin magic square. The construction of magic square comes down to the same procedure of magic square base. 提出了幻方空间的概念,证明了同阶拉丁幻方构成向量空间,而且是一个幻方代数,从而把幻方的构造化归为拉丁幻方空间一组幻方基的构造。
This paper presents a kind of method for constructing 4n-order all-symmetric magic square, i. 给出4n阶全对称幻方的一类构造方法,即先构造出n~2个第二类4阶等值全对称幻方砌块。
Therefore, dimension of Latin magic square vector space had been focused on, too. 对于任意阶拉丁幻方构成的向量空间的维数作出了回答。
With a magic square panel controlled by a sequence controller, wonderful dynamic patterns can be displayed. 用时序控制器控制幻方光屏,可获得优美的动态图案。
In this paper we make a systematic study on the theory of the edging method of constructing the n+ 2 orders magic square by the n orders magic square and give a set of valid rules and their strict proving. 对于由n阶幻方造n+2阶幻方的镶边法,从理论上进行了系统的探讨,给出了一整套行之有效的法则及其严格证明。
Constructing orthogonal Latin squares and magic square by using linear congruent transformation 用线性取余变换造正交拉丁方和幻方
The method of creating odd rank concentric magic square was acquired by the character and transform of determinant in this paper, Many forms of any odd rank magic square can be created by the method and permutation and combination. 利用行列式的性质和变换得到了构造奇数阶同心幻方原基的一种方法,利用这种方法和排列组合都能得到任意奇数阶幻方的多种形式。
Magic square is the age-old mathematic game, many methods was developed by several centuries. 幻方是古老的数学游戏,经过几个世纪的发展形成了很多有趣的构造方法。
The Overlapping And Summation is the Method in the Structure of Magic Square 幻方构造的叠和法